As an Evangelical Fellowship, YEF believes that spreading the Gospel and Making disciples of all nations should be the core of our ministry. We believe in actively meeting people where they are and sharing the good news of salvation with them.


Vision trips are short term visits designed to identify the possibilities and needs of different people in different places. Vision trips help to explore potential campuses and areas to formulate a mission plan. Vision trips are the first step in evangelism and beginning a new chapter. on the page - MISSION TRIPS: “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15 Alternative Bible verses- Acts 10:42, Matthew 28 :19-20 YEF believes that all Christians have the responsibility to spread the gospel to all nations and people on the earth. YEF offers exciting opportunities for all students to travel to different Continents like Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, North America and much more. You can preach the Gospel to students just like you either close to home or in a distant Country.