How do I Know God?

We thank God that you’ve decided to further your understanding of who God is and what He has to do with you and I. 


Through our basic study programs, Youth Evangelical Fellowship, teaches us how we can know our Heavenly Father. We begin with a study program called ‘The Four Spiritual Laws’. These laws include Creation, the Fall of Man, Salvation through Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom of God. In order to know God, having a deep understanding of these essential things is the basis of every Christian life.


We learn about God through His creation, which includes each individual being. Through learning about God and His creation, we learn about ourselves as well. God created us in love and continues to concern Himself with our lives with this very same love.


Through the study of the Fall of Man and sin, we come to know the meaning and reasoning behind the things God plans to restore Mankind and this world to the image in which God made it. We come to know why the world is suffering and the way it is.


In studying salvation through Jesus Christ, we see God’s solution to this Fall and come to an even deeper understanding of His nature and His heart towards this world. Does God care about the world? Does God even care about me? These questions are answered with an emphatic, ‘YES!’ Through these studies, we’ll see the grace and beautiful hand of God, reaching out to every soul through His Son, Jesus Christ.


But this personal salvation through Jesus Christ is not the end. God wishes to change this world. Through the spreading of same personal salvation that Jesus Christ offers, the original image in which God created this world will be revealed. This restoration we call the Kingdom of God, in which God reigns supreme in heaven and on earth. This puts into perspective the bigger picture of God’s plan for this world and humanity.

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