Our Bible sChool

1.  BASIC BIBLE STUDY : The Four Spiritual Laws

This Bible study program is broken down into four sections. We believe that the Bible is an interconnected story, and so it is essential to learn the story in its parts and as a whole.

The Bible is divided into four sections – Creation, The Fall of Man, Salvation, and the Kingdom of God. It is our hope that at the end of the Bible study program, you will have a firm foundation on Christ and His Word. Through this program, we hope to aid many lost souls in finding and understanding God through His Word. We pray that many will have a holistic view and deeper understanding of the Bible.



Historically, many theologians and Christian leaders have experienced revelations and revivals through Romans. The deep understanding of Apostle Paul’s doctrine of salvation has inspired many and paved the way for an improved grasp of the Gospel.

Martin Luther praised Romans saying,“It is the chief part of the New Testament and the perfect Gospel. . . the absolute epitome of the Gospel.”

Luther’s successor Philip Melanchthon called Romans, “The compendium of Christian doctrine.”

John Calvin said of Romans, “When anyone understands this Epistle, he has a passage opened to him to the understanding of the whole Scripture.”

Through Romans, we have a clear interpretation and understanding of the path of salvation. Many Christians may have grown up acquainted with terms such as ‘Salvation’, ‘the Gospel’, and ‘Jesus died on the cross to save us’. However, deeper understanding of the meaning of these words is lacking and so, many don’t know how to live out the Gospel.

Why do we need salvation?

How does salvation work in our lives?

What is the Gospel, and why did Jesus shed His blood?

The book of Romans is the key to unfolding these central questions to the Christian faith. We pray that students could reflect and comprehend the meaning of salvation and gain the strength to live a Christian life.

3. THE PATRIARCHAL PERIOD : Ancestors of Faith

This program teaches you about the life of ancestors of faith, mainly Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph in Genesis 12-50. It gives you an eye-opening opportunity to familiarize yourself with the spiritual ‘family tree’.

Through studying their dramatic lives, we hope you would gain strength and wisdom to live your life as a descendant of the faith.

4. THE JOURNEY OF FAITH : From Slavery to the Promised Land

Learning step by step from Exodus to Joshua, we trace the journey of faith. While such a story is old and may seem or feel like a fairy tale, it is mirrored today in our daily lives.

The books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua may be hard to relate to at first. But after this program, these books tend to be more enjoyable. This is because the stories now feel more connected to our own lives.

5. THE LIFE OF JESUS : Synoptic Bible

The four Gospels record the same historical event – “the life of Jesus“ but is penned by different people. The first three Gospels – Matthew, Mark, and Luke – are called the ‘Synoptic’ Gospels because they detail the same events and are similar in content.

You will study the biography of Jesus through an in-depth study on the miracles Jesus performed, His life, and His community. After you comprehend the life of Jesus, you would be able to apply them to your daily life.


You will walk with Jesus from the last supper to Golgotha and finally to the victory of the rolled away stone of the grave. You will get to experience the cross and resurrection – the core message of the Gospel, alongside Jesus. You would learn verse by verse to internalize the meaning of the cross. 

Through this, you can realize the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ for this world and the power of His resurrection.

7. ACTS : The Book of the Holy Spirit

As one of the few historical narratives of the New Testament books, Acts is an important book that tells us how the apostles lived after Jesus’ resurrection. The Kingdom of God, which began with Genesis, is now past the Gospel – how will it play out in Acts? Acts records how the central message of “the Kingdom of God” was spread throughout the world by the apostles.

This study paints the picture of the early church by focusing on two people – Peter and Paul. Through this program, you will learn the story of the Jerusalem church in the first half of Acts, where Apostle Peter is the main character. The second half of Acts covers the development of the Gentile churches with the Apostle Paul as the main character.

We also call this book the Acts of the Holy Spirit with the hope that this program helps you understand the mighty works of the Holy Spirit.


8. GALATIANS : Freedom in Christ

9. CORINTHIANS : How to live as Christians in a secular world