Youth Evangelical Fellowship Micronesia missionary, M. Rani Reid, has arrived in Micronesia by the grace of God. Her journey started on Thursday at 7 pm EST and finally finished on Sunday at 1 am Micronesian time. Miraculously, she was able to get an internet connection and report this as soon as she arrived at her hotel. She shares the grace received during the journey and now being there.
“At first, right when I began traveling,” she begins, “there were many issues. For example, the airline not being able to check me in because they couldn’t find my ticket in the system. Then many other obstacles and difficulties occurring even before being able to touch grounds outside the US. But, still during this time God taught me again and even more strongly this time that He is in control.
As I arrived in Guam, I continued to see the hand of God. I knew how important it was to connect well with people who were on my flight also traveling to Pohnpei. But, there were many older people and women with children so I struggled. Then while wondering what am I going to do, I have no wifi, no service, and no way to contact even the hotel that I needed to go to upon arrival. But, then one sister who works for the UN came to me and offered me help. She was from Uganda and working in Micronesia currently. She helped drive me to the hotel and gave me really useful tips about the area and the locals (she lived here for 1 to 2 years already). And she even gave me her number and the number of taxi drivers in the local area. Just like this God helped me and guided me. I am very thankful. God will continue to lead and guide me on this journey!”
Tomorrow she plans to try going to the UN, if possible. She will also keep in touch with the Uganda sister to receive a SIM card and mobile internet. Through the taxi drivers, she hopes to begin looking for an appropriate church place to pioneer and begin mission on the school campuses there.