YEF SEA Weekly Highlights: YEF Thailand Center Dedication Service, Urgent Hearts for Evangelism

Keeping ablaze the abundant grace and power of Resurrection faith in their hearts, Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Southeast Asia (SEA) leaders continued mission works urgently with heart to bear fruits for Pentecost. In reviewing the past week of mission, YEF SEA gives thanks to God for the following developments:

1. YEF Thailand Center Dedication Service Brings New Beginning to Mission Revival.

On April 12, 2023, YEF Thailand held its dedication service for the new center, with a sincere heart that God could use them and the place as His holy vessel to save many native souls of Thailand. The center is located near the top university of Thailand, Chulalongkorn University, which is situated in one of the richest parts of Thailand. With determined hearts, YEF Thailand missionaries will seek to share the gospel deeply for God has prepared many souls in the city to be saved.

2. YEF Laos Leader Begins Short-Term Mission Training in Thailand.

After attending the joint Thailand-Laos Easter Retreat, YEF Laos Leader Phengsy Xiong began to participate in evangelism works at the Chulalongkorn University with Thailand missionaries. It is expected that this short-term mission training will be greatly helpful for YEF Laos mission and developments, as well as to raise Leader Phengsy.

3. YEF Jakarta & YEF Vietnam Seeks to Complete Bible Study Curriculum with Potential CM & RCM.

YEF Jakarta has persistently conducted bible studies with the native Registered Chapter Members (RCM) with the hope to complete the Romans 1-16 curriculum at the soonest so that the native RCMs will be able to participate in the SEA Membership Training to be held in OC in the last week of April. Similarly, YEF Vietnam is seeking to complete the Romans 1-8 curriculum with Sister Binh to lead her to become a registered member by next week.

4. YEF Jakarta, Vietnam and Singapore Actively Seeks to Break-through in Missionfields with Diverse Evangelism.

YEF Jakarta has been actively developing online evangelism through analysis of Facebook metrics, while simultaneously conducting onsite evangelism at Pradita University for the first time. YEF Vietnam has received 1 new contact who is willing to study the bible and attend Church services via onsite evangelism. YEF Singapore has received 7 new contacts through conducting onsite evangelism at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

With these new developments, YEF SEA leaders seek to be more greatly awakened and to keep actively matching the time of God. May God greatly guide and bless YEF SEA leaders to live by absolute faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and to persist in evangelizing for His Kingdom.

