YEF Leads Mission Seminar on Evangelism with Overflowing Testimonies

On August 23, YEF hosted the 3rd online seminar “Introduction to Evangelism,” where the core principles of evangelism were shared with chapter leaders around the world.

While the topic of evangelism is so deep and extensive, this introductory session condensed the important issues – what is evangelism, why evangelize, how to evangelize, and finally, what we must remember when we do mission.

“Just like the Israelites marching around Jericho, the method of faith and obedience may seem at times unreasonable. When we see nothing changing for a long time, we are tempted to give up. However, when we keep going beyond the point of despair and complete frustration, when we fully “die” and fall onto the ground like the kernel of wheat, God resurrects us and allows us to bear fruit. When we go till the end, the wall of the city will fall down, it will spiritually open up and souls will come,” the lecturer emphasized.

“We need to hold onto God’s promise that ‘those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.’ Just like God comforted Paul during his mission in Corinth and Elijah when he was in despair, there are many people God prepared for us in our cities. Our part is to discover them.”

One participant shared in reflection,”Through this work [of evangelism], we get to experience and go to have the same kind of heart of God. God, who loves us so much more than maybe we could ever love, daily, hourly, every second; experiences 100 times the pain that we may experience from one lamb… He always has faith and never gives up. So if He never gives up despite all of this, how much more should I keep going?”

She further shared from her own experience, “I asked God, ‘Oh how? How can You continue to go on? Your whole being must have this great pain over everything seen on this Earth.’ The response I receive is: ‘It’s you who gives me great joy and continuous hope. No matter your flaws or your pain, you keep trying and keep going. I never give up on you or this world and to see you doing the same it is my greatest joy.'”

We are in the position to share and bring to God the eternal joy of saving one more soul. YEF leaders were all strengthened to persevere the time of suffering and sacrifice, looking toward the promised harvest of joy.

