YEF Successfully Holds 1st Online Praise Night

On Saturday, April 11th, Youth Evangelical Fellowship Headquarters (YEF HQ) held an online praise night for the public. The night began at 6pm with a brief introduction and powerful prayer for those gathered. With powerful praises, ten songs were sung with a video displaying the sounds of the cross; the sounds of the Savior taking on the sins of the world.

By the grace of God, a total of 138 people were able to view the night with 276 people reached and 120 engagements. For one hour, those providing the praise were so filled with joy to provide the world with praises towards God. Whether 1,000 people or 1 person joined, the blessing of giving praise for the sacrifice of the Savior is something they didn’t take for granted.

Though no immediate result have come from this night, YEF HQ hopes that all in attendance gained abundant grace and that it brought hearts closer to Christ and His cross. The fellowship also hopes that this will lead to more of an online presence and a revival of the YEF Facebook, as well as, the other social media pages. For those who missed and are interested to see the YEF praise night, the video is available on the YEF Facebook page.

