YEF ATL Meets with YEF GSU to Brainstorm Evangelism Ideas

Anu Samuel, the Youth Evangelical Fellowship Atlanta (YEF ATL) Leader plans to meet with new YEF Georgia State University (GSU) Officers to plan for the new school year. As the school year ends, YEF GSU has to undergo leadership changes. Especially with the current president, Anu, and the secretary, Toni Woodard, graduating there’s a need for new officers to step up to these positions.

The new YEF GSU President, Rani, and Vice President, Bridaija, plan to meet with the ATL chapter leader to discuss plans for the immediate and distant plans. They hope they can brainstorm ideas together to reach more people via online evangelism. They will also discuss new programs to be implemented for the next school year to boost attendance for group bible study as well as help the YEF members group spiritually. They all hope to gain more guidance through the meeting tomorrow. Please continue to pray for YEF Atlanta.

