Encouragement to Sit At Jesus’s Feet in Busy Times

Youth Evangelical Fellowship HQ staff were encouraged yesterday through the message of Mary and Martha seen in Luke 10:38-42. It is a simple message that can easily be forgotten; to first sit at Jesus’s feet in the midst the working for the spread of the Gospel.

Martha did nothing wrong in working hard for Jesus – that was good. Her problem was that she became distracted by all the preparations. She was distracted from Jesus.

P. White addressed those listening, “As we do the work of Christ, it can be easy to become irritable and complaining like Martha was, because we run dry. We should be careful not to be too busy Martha, but sit at the feet of the Lord like Mary. Martha is very busy serving and trying to please her Lord. This busyness was not busy for oneself, but busy for the Lord. However there are difficulties in Martha because she is doing various things here and there.”

Jesus answers her complaint about Mary full of love and gentleness, saying that Mary chose the better thing. The congregation was reminded of what God wants from His people.

“When we are hopeful, wanting and expecting great things in this year, where do we first need to go to, to have the energy and continued passion?”

Jesus said that only a few things are needed, but one is sufficient. There is one thing that should never be missed. To sit at His feet and listen. Sitting at the feet of the Lord and listening to the word of the Lord is one thing that cannot be overlooked. This is because if this is missed, we will easily become tired and anxious. The Lord didn’t call His people as servants, but as friends. That is why what the Lord most desires is to see everyone face to face.

“When we need revival, unity, to reach the world, we must sit at His feet. What the Lord really wants is to face the Lord like Mary, and the Lord does not want to lose this with anyone. I hope that we will spend many of these time facing the Lord so that we will have a day filled with joy and recharge your strength.”

