Youth Evangelical Fellowship Melbourne is continuing evangelism online and offline in order to find 20 members to create an official club on the local campus, Deakin University. The university is ranked in the top 1% of the universities in the world. CM, Will, has been pushing to establish a club at the university by evangelizing for two to three hours each day.
Currently, YEF Melbourne has had bible studies with four students recently and regularly, however the most consistent is a sister named Christine. She has even agreed to try to evangelize some of her friends and classmates to bring more people to the studies. Even one Muslim student showed interest in knowing the truth and studying the Word together. His current faith is from his family, so the pre-chapter is praying that he could be changed and know the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please continue to pray for Bro. Will as he continues to evangelize and meet prepared souls on campus. They sincerely pray that 20 students could be found to begin the club on campus.