East Timor Missionary Shares Reflection Upon Her Successful Arrival in Dili City After a Long Year Preparation

Missionary Pastor Isabel Alolor shares her grace on arriving in East Timor to participate in the worldwide pioneering effort together with other churches and fellowships:

“Looking back last year October 24, 2021, when I was appointed as East Timor missionary, the time is long yet seems so short. Many things happened because of the situation of COVID-19 and my co-workers who will come with me changed three times.

At the very beginning, when the former OA SEA General Secretary announces the dreams of our community to expand the Gospel of Jesus Christ in East Timor, I felt compelled at that time but I never volunteer at first because I was thinking about my incapabilities and the thought that I am not qualified to be a missionary. I am small and do not know everything in this world. But in my heart, I long to answer joyfully in this calling of God to preach the salvation of Jesus Christ to the natives in East Timor.

I felt really honored to become a missionary…never thought that God would call me someday in this precious calling to serve and preach the salvation of Jesus Christ to save at least one more soul.

When I listen to our senior leaders and hear about the hope and dreams we have, not only for our region but for the whole world, I was really touched and seriously grab the precious privilege to become a servant of God to serve in this country. I came to a firm decision to follow God’s calling and I deeply desire to willingly take this mission to share the good news in East Timor knowing that I will be facing a lot of obstacles and sufferings along the path. Yet, this is what I long for–I long to meet God in the desert, to suffer for His Name’s sake to offer my life as a pleasing sacrifice.

The year-long preparation was not easy since I have to also sacrifice some of my commitments such as my studies and my current ministries. There were many sleepless nights to accomplish all the tasks entrusted to me by God; to search and take care of the lambs, process the visa and travel documents, and feed my soul with spiritual food to stay connected with the heart of God.

Yes, there were days I am really tired and want to stop but amazingly I can’t stop. Its always been when I become tired and weary that God knows when to cheer me up and give me hope, strengthened me, and give me endurance. I cannot endure everything on my own only that God became my refuge during this long time.

I am very thankful also to God because through our community many people helped me a lot. That is why I never felt alone in this battle. A very experienced pastor really guided me well and brought me to focus on the right direction in this pioneering and senior leaders also shared their grace received throughout their missionary journeys which really encourages me in my journey too. They have testified many great things about God and I long to also pile up more testimony about God and how His Holy Spirit works in East Timor mission.

As I am also part of YEF, I really long to share the good news with my fellow youth and now I want to share it here in East Timor. God really loves the youth. We are not only vibrant but when changed by the Word of God we can create a movement of revival working together to redeem more of our youths to serve for the greater cause of God’s kingdom. For us, knowing Christ is the key to living a meaningful life– not from worldly pleasures but only through Him (John 14:6).

My heart trembles when I think about God’s plan for East Timor. Everything is accomplished and many will be accomplished according to His purpose. The Lord has promised that His grace is sufficient, when, in faith, we respond to His leading and guidance and therefore say “Lord, here I am. Send me, in Jesus’ name…”

