YEFK Experienced the Lord’s Hand in the Installation of Sign Board at the YEFK Center

By God’s grace, YEF Korea installed an additional sign outside of their center building.

The size of the existing signboard was too small, so while discussing and looking for a company to install additional signage, one Bible study student of YEFK suggested installing an additional signboard. And then he felt moved enough to donate the entire amount necessary for signboard installation.


YEFK said, “We think that God has given us a message that if we do not despair when we do not have the financial resources and just proceed with faith, then God will accomplish the task. We want to reveal the great development of ministry in this historical time.”

Meanwhile, YEFK is currently undergoing a site renewal and intends to better introduce YEFK to the students who are evangelized through this and introduce the faith training manual.

Written by Juri Kim

