The Youth Evangelical Fellowship Africa leader, Anu Samuel, held a Bible study on campus for the newly registered member, John. Initially, they had planned to meet on campus around 4 pm and then spend at least one hour evangelizing together but due to the minister’s busy schedule, they met a little later.
Although they were both tired, they tried to keep the Bible study and evangelism time. John studied Romans 4 and wrote his reflection on the Bible study. After a short prayer, they began evangelism. Because they were short on time, they planned to evangelize for 30 minutes, speak to 10 people and hoped to get 5 contacts. But while evangelism, they were so refreshed and happy that they evangelized for 45 minutes, received 9 contacts, and spoke to 25 people. They even managed to connect again with two students who had been previously evangelized before but were unable to attend Bible study. Out of the contacts received, John received two and M. Anu received seven.
Thank God for his strength and mercy upon them. The contacts have already been reached out to, two have responded and are trying to set up a schedule for Bible study.