A Global Time of Reflection and Meditation: YEF International Members and Staff Prepare for Easter

April 7th 2023 – All over the world, YEF International members and staff are preparing for a special time of reflection and deep meditation to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ during this Easter weekend. It will be a time of change and deep meditation for the listeners.

Through these retreats, members hope to die and resurrect with Christ and help to understand the love God has for us in a deeper way. It will also be a great chance to share how Jesus’s death has changed them and impacted their lives. They have been piling up prayers since the end of February for this Easter until now; asking for the Lord to pour down His grace and mercy upon them.

The leaders pray that this retreat will be a time of transformation and renewal in their lives and in the lives of those they’ve taught and seen draw nearer to God. They plan to have a time of prayer, reflection, and meditation. They hope that after this retreat all participants will be able to go back to their everyday lives with a greater passion for God and His Kingdom, and a deeper understanding of love and the ultimate display of this on the cross

This retreat is just the beginning of a bigger journey of understanding the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and what it means to them all as Christians. YEF International leaders and staff are praying that each participant will be able to gain deeper insight into Jesus’s death and resurrection, and how it has changed their lives.

