YEF Members Celebrate Easter All Over the World [Photo News]

Easter is a special time of year when Christians commemorate the cross and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a time to come together in fellowship and celebrate the gift of everlasting life. For members of the Youth Evangelical Fellowship, this holiday is especially meaningful as they celebrate Easter all over the world.

Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) is a global Christian organization that works to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide a place for young Christians to come together and share their faith. Each year, YEF members celebrate Easter in slightly different ways, all while giving the same honor and glory to God for the sacrifice, suffering, and greatest love of Jesus Christ, displayed on the cross.

They often gather in local churches, while the headquarters offers links for those overseas to join, and host special Easterrelated retreats with opening services, Bible studies, worship services, and various different activities. In addition to celebrating at their local churches, YEF members also gather in different cities around the world to celebrate Easter together. From Colombia to Indonesia, YEF members travel to faroff places to commemorate Jesus death and resurrection. During their time together, members participate in worship services and share their faith with others.


