YEF Romania Post Evangelism Stickers to Find Those Thirsty for the Word of God

YEF member Ilinca printed and posted new evangelism materials to continue in mission strongly. Stickers connected to an animation reel on the YEF Romania Instagram page were sticked to walls in the train stations, inside an old train and at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences where Sister Ilinca is studying. These stickers were also given to some people. The sticker reads: “You want answers to the questions that are eating you on the inside, but afraid of being judged? Scan and come try with someone who understands you”.

The VM’s reflection writes: “It’s not much, but God can use these stickers to bring many young people looking for answers and biblical understanding. They will be given to people, as well as posted around visible spots. I pray that God can somehow catch the hearts of people and bring them to Him. If the stickers will be taken down, I will come back and post a new one. We have to be relentless. May God continue to work in Bucharest and all over the world.”

There has been countless testimonies of members coming to this church community through flyers, stickers, cards, etc. all around the world and in Europe as well. It is very hopeful because those who find such things are always those who are thirsty and seeking to hear the words of the Lord. They are praying continuously that God would allow such people to find these stickers and that there will be many who come to desire bible study through this. YEF Romania is continuing with hope for the future that many in this country can be saved one day sooner. Please keep this in your prayers as well.

