Igniting Momentum: YEF Africa’s Weekly Goals and Prayer Initiatives Kick Off in the Dynamic Second Week of January

Using the first week of the new month of the new year, to plan, pray and prepare their hearts for a great harvest, the second week is a time for action, planting and watering the seeds of the Gospel on university campuses in Africa. Youth Evangelical Fellowship Africa has set simple goals and plans for the achievement of their goals set before God this year.

In the aspect of administration, this week, fellowship members in respective countries are conducting research on legal registration at both the national and university levels. Ethiopia and Malawi are especially leading the way in this endeavour and hope to accomplish their research by the end of the week. Additionally, YEF Africa is completing a new reporting system and sheet for all volunteers and leaders. By diligently recording statistics, YEF Africahopes to identify the best strategies for the spreading of the Gospel to African youth.

In the area of missions, YEF Africa has set the goal to receive twenty newcomers this week and ten Bible study students. Exploring both online and in-person methods, the fellowship will continue to emphasize strategic mass evangelism to reach out to lost souls. The fellowship is also planning an online event for all members and students of the fellowship to celebrate the new year and welcome and connect newcomers. Additionally, YEF Africa is prayerfully resetting the number of chapters to be set up in this year and hopes to finalize this by the weekend.

For education, YEF Africa aims to hold consistent Bible studies, connecting students to relevant volunteer members by country and region while the leaders will focus on more advanced students. The fellowship is also updating their educational resources and hopes to begin preparing for teaching training on the four spiritual laws. The Bible teaching schedule across the continent is to be finalized this week, and students are appropriately allocated and begin studying.

For the goal of prayer, the YEF Africa leader and chapter leaders will begin holding regular prayer meetings during the day and also in the evenings. Intending to fill up the 12 jars with prayers, they hope to see an overflow and change in mission work across the continent.

Please pray for YEF Africa as they strive towards these goals.

