YEF Easter Retreat Has Attendees to Meditate Upon the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus

Participants during the retreat were able to learn about John 18, 19, and 20 with a focus on Romans 6:5 in the opening and closing service as the main verse.

The first lecture, which was given by Pastor Alma, focused fully on describing the path that the Lord went on before going to the oath of Cross. She emphasized the heart of Jesus who wept with blood, sweat, and tears; who had agony in his heart in thinking of taking the miserable path of the cross. But, still in the midst of this he said, “let not my will but your will be done”. This shows the deep relationship between the Father and the son and also encouraged those listening to have this kind of relationship with God the father as well. Jesus was fully God but also fully man. He died to reconcile the relationship between God and all humanity. His great sacrifice highlights the love of God for all people in this earth.

The second lecture given by Pastor Danielle White (YEF International General Secretary) was based on John 19. This chapter contained the harsh account of how Jesus was treated as he went on the path of the cross; standing before the religion powers (Annas) as well as political powers in Rome (Pilate). It shows the image of Isaiah 53 in which Jesus went like a little lamb silent before his shears. It also revealed the sin of the chosen people who crucified the one who can to save them. Both lectures highlighted the point of Jesus dying on the cross as one who was put on the cross by our sins. Participants came to deeply meditate upon this and came to realize this within their own hearts.

The third lecture given by Pastor Rani Reid (YEF North America Representative) was focused on the resurrected Jesus. The hearts of the disciples and women who followed Jesus were revealed in the sense that they could not understand fully about the resurrection or come to believe in the resurrection because they did not have the proper understanding of Jesus’ death on the cross. This message highlighted characters such as Mary, Peter, and John. Previously, it also continued from chapter 19 in talking about Joseph and Nicodemus who were secret followers of Jesus who came to bury his body. This message highlighted the need to understand the cross and resurrection and the position of faith within this.

Participants received abundant grace and will continue to meditate upon these messages with the hope of growing their foundation more.

