YEF Orlando and Florida members and leaders gathered to hold the first Sunday service in the Season of Lent during this time. They came to meditate deeply on the message of John 14, which starts the meditations of the farewell letters. They all look forward to bringing great fruit in this time and hope to be united to the heart of Christ, who took this path of suffering for those He loved, which is inherently for sinners.
Four students from the local university, University of Central Florida (UCF), and other members joined in this time. Following the service, they had a time of sharing over the message. Many shared their heart and understanding of the love of God and the book/heart of John who wrote the letter.
After this, they played some games together, and then before everyone departed, they gathered in the YEF Chapel to pray together for this time of Lent to be a time of great devotion to God and a time to grow together deep in their faith.
Following this, members gathered to play volleyball in a nearby park. They had a good time exercising and fellowshipping together. Please pray for the continuous growth of all the members.